Flaxseed oil buy in lebanon - Santé & Beauté

Beyrouth, Beyrouth, Beyrouth, Liban
42 $
Publié le 15 juin 2023 - il y a 12 mois - Beyrouth Beyrouth
42 $

Flaxseed oil buy in lebanon - Santé & Beauté

Flaxseed Oil 1000 mg:
Flaxseed oil, also known as Linseed oil is called ALA (Linolenic acid) high in omega-3 fatty acid and omega 6, 9.
1•Helps make skin and Hair healthy:
The ALA fats in flaxseed nourish skin and hair by providing essential Fatty acids as well as B vitamins, which can help reduce dryness and flakiness.
2• Helps Lower cholesterol and treat hyperlipidemia. Flax promotes health of the heart and arteries.
3•High in lignans: Which are phytoestrogens known for their Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
4•Regulates Blood pressure and helps with Blood clots.
5• Gut health: The ALA can help reduce inflammation and protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract as well as IBS and constipation.
8• May help lower Cancer risk:
Flaxseeds oil contains linoorbitides , compounds known for their cancer fighting and Antioxidants properties (Including breast, prostate, Ovarian and colon Cancer).
9•Flaxseed is good for weight management,particularly for overweight and obese persons.
10• Reduces menopause symptoms (Decreases hot flashes and increases quality of life)

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